注意事項(described as follows):

  • @ms1.mcu.edu.tw 是針對Office 365專用之認證信箱, 僅限在校期間可使用, 畢業後就無法使用Office 365
    @ms1.mcu.edu.tw is the authorized email account for office 365, which can only be used by current students. Students who have graduated can no longer use Office 365.

  • 忘記密碼或建立帳號(Forgot password or new account)

If you forget your password or new account during the term, please log into MCU E-Requests and E-Form System, and fill out the form “1683 Reset ms1.mcu.edu.tw password” under e-forms; we will reset your account based on the form.

  • Office 365可提供安裝在5個行動裝置

    Office 365 can provide installation in five mobile devices.