

  • 帳號規則:學號@ms1.mcu.edu.tw

  • 預設密碼:「學號後4碼+西元生日8碼」

  • 學號:08115678,生日是199711日,則預設密碼是:567819970101
    (密碼一旦修改後, 將不再適用)

  • Account regulation:
    student ID number@ms1.mcu.edu.tw

  • Default password:「Last 4 digits of student ID no.+ 8 digits of your date of birth」

  • Student ID no.:08115678, date of birth is 1997 January 1, then, the default password is: 567819970101

    (No longer applicable if the password has been changed. Please apply to reset password by filling out the relevant e-form.)